Benjamin Franklin Quotes in English meaning in Hindi, Sayings Thoughts

Quote 1: A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. In Hindi : एक मकान तब तक घर नहीं बन सकता जब तक उसमे दिमाग और शरीर दोनों के लिए भोजन और भभक ना हो. Quote 2: At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment. In Hindi : बीस साल की उम्र में इंसान अपनी इच्छा से चलता है,तीस में बुद्धि से और चालीस में अपने अनुमान से. Quote 3: Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. […]

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Constitution Quotes, Phrases, Famous Quotations on Constitution 2014 – Inspiring Thoughts

Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. – Constitution Quotes by Abraham Lincoln Honest conviction is my courage; the Constitution is my guide. – Constitution Quotes by Andrew Johnson We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. – Constitution Quotes by Abraham Lincoln To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race. – Constitution Quotes by Calvin Coolidge […]

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Famous Benjamin Franklin Sayings and Thoughts – Inspirational Quotes

Quote 1: Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship. In Hindi :  छोटे-छोटे खर्चों से सावधान रहिये . एक छोटा सा छेद बड़े से जहाज़ को डूबा सकता है. Quote 2: Diligence is the mother of good luck. In Hindi : परिश्रम सौभाग्य की जननी है. Quote 3: Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. In Hindi :  कुछ ऐसा लिखें जो पढने लायक हो या कुछ ऐसा करें जो लिखने लायक हो. Quote 4: Fatigue is the best pillow.

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