Thanksgiving Thoughts | Thanksgiving Messages, Thoughts Pictures

1. We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.  ~Thornton Wilder 2. Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace, the celebration of work and the simple life… a true folk-festival that speaks the poetry of the turn of the seasons, the beauty of seedtime and harvest, the ripe product of the year – and the deep, deep connection of all these things with God.  ~Ray Stannard Baker (David Grayson) 3. Heap high the board with plenteous cheer and gather to the feast, And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose courage never […]

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Thanksgiving Quotes | Famous Thanks Giving Quotations, Thoughts English

1. If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.  ~Meister Eckhart 2. Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.  ~E.P. Powell 3. So once in every year we throng Upon a day apart, To praise the Lord with feast and song In thankfulness of heart. ~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving 4. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live […]

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