Shree Guru Nanak Dev Ji Quotes in Hindi, Anmol Vachan, Suvichar[adsenseyu4]
Guru Nanak Dev ji Thoughts and Sayings
Guru Nanak Dev ji Thoughts and Sayings[adsenseyu4]
Guru Nanak Dev ji Quotes in Punjabi
According to their own actions, Some are drawn closer and some are driven farther away.[adsenseyu4]
Guru Nanak Dev ji Quotes in English with Hindi Meaning – Anmol Vachan
One cannot comprehend Him through reason, even if one reasoned for ages. कोई उसे तर्क द्वारा नहीं समझ सकता, भले वो युगों तक तर्क करता रहे. Death would not be called bad, O people, if one knew how to truly die.बंधुओं ! हम मौत को बुरा नहीं कहते , यदि हम जानते कि वास्तव में मरा कैसे जाता है. Sing the songs of joy to the Lord, serve the Name of the Lord, and become the servant of His servants.प्रभु के लिए खुशियों के गीत गाओ, प्रभु के नाम की सेवा करो, और उसके सेवकों के सेवक बन जाओ.