1) When you came together
As husband and wife You embarked on a journey
To share a wonderful life When you both became
Father and mother You decided to give me
A wonderful future Let’s celebrate and enjoy
Such a beautiful family union Wish you a happy anniversary
I hope you have lots of fun
2) The best part of your anniversary is
That there are lots of smiles all around As the house gears up for a party
And gets decorated form ceiling to ground As everyone raises their glasses
For a lovely couple’s toast Let me also say
That I love you the most Happy anniversary
3) If anyone wants a definition Of love, care or affection
They should think of you both without hesitation Because you are love’s human incarnation
As we start your anniversary’s celebration We take it is a confirmation
That you will always be each other’s reflection And remain committed to each other with devotion
Happy anniversary
4) I’m glad to celebrate your anniversary If not for your union, there would be no me
Have an awesome time today and forever Don’t do anything stupid to let your ties sever
You are an awesome and fabulous couple On this anniversary, may your happiness double
5) I know you want to spend time today With each other without any interruption
But I will take just two minutes of your time To make a sweet declaration
I love you for being my parents And the kind of friends that you have been
A super cool set of parents like you I haven’t yet come across or seen
Have an awesome wedding anniversary
Rekindle your love for each other
As I bask away in the pride
Of having the best father and mother[adsenseyu4]