Kiran Bedi Quotes – Thoughts by Kiran Bedi in English & Hindi – Sayings

Quote 1: What is the value of education which does not inculcate passion and fearlessness for setting right what is wrong? In Hindi: उस  शिक्षा  का  क्या  मोल  है  जो  हमारे  अन्दर  गलत  को  सही  करने  का  जूनून  और  निडरता  न  पैदा  कर  सके ? Quote 2: People who do not take charge of their lives are lathi-charged by time. In Hindi: जो लोग समय रहते अपने जीवन का चार्ज नहीं ले लेते वे समय द्वारा लाठी चार्ज किये जाते हैं. Quote 3: There is nothing unfinished on my agenda. I do whatever I can for the day. Simple!  If […]

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Navjot Singh Sidhu Quotes and Sayings – Dialogues

Quote 1: Nobody travels on the road to success without a puncture or two. In Hindi: सफलता के मार्ग पर कोई बिना एक-दो पंक्चर के नहीं चलता. Quote 2: One who doesn’t throw the dice can never expect to score a six. In Hindi: जो  कभी  पासा  नहीं  फेंकता  वो  कभी  छक्का  मारने  की  उम्मीद   नहीं  कर  सकता . Quote 3: The cat with gloves catches no mice. In Hindi: दस्ताने  पहनने  वाली  बिल्ली चूहे  नहीं  पकडती . Quote 4: The third umpires should be changed as often as nappies and for the same reason. life shayari wallpaper

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