The only man, who never make Mistakes, is the man who never does anything. ~ Theodore Roosevelt[adsenseyu4]
Aaj Ka Quote in Hindi, Aaj ka Suvichar in Hindi, Anmol Vachan in Hindi, Education Quotes, Failure Quotes, Great Thoughts, Inspirational Messages, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts, Quotes for SMS, Quotes in Hindi, Quotes on Mistakes, Success Quotes, Thoughts in Hindi
Mistakes Thoughts in English and Hindi – Sayings on Mistakes, Anmol Vachan
1. Learning nothing from a Mistake is doing another Mistake. अपनी गलती से कुछ भी नहीं सीखना दूसरी गलती करना है. 2. Sometimes trying to avoid Mistakes may avoid trying new and different things. कभी-कभी गलतियाँ होने के डर की वजह से हम नए और अलग कार्य नहीं कर पाते. 3. Analyses your Mistakes because it helps you in finding and knowing more and more about you. अपनी गलतियों का विश्लेषण कीजिये क्योंकि इससे आपको अपने बारे में ज्यादा से ज्यादा जानने को मिलेगा.
Aaj ka Suvichar in Hindi, Anmol Vachan in Hindi, Great Thoughts, Motivational Thoughts, Quotes in Hindi, Quotes on Mistakes, Suvichar in Hindi, Thoughts in Hindi
Mistakes Quotes in Hindi and English – Thoughts on Mistakes, Suvichar
1. Mistakes of Good People are more noticed and criticized than Mistakes of Bad People . अच्छे लोगों की गलतियों की बुरे लोगों की गलतियों की तुलना में ज्यादा आलोचना की जाती है। 2. Mistakes are part of Life but very few have courage to accept their mistakes. गलतियाँ जीवन का हिस्सा है पर इन्हें स्वीकार करने का साहस बहुत कम लोगों में होता है. 3. Laugh at your Mistakes but not at Others.