Find Some Short Best Words of Wisdom Quotes – Great Valuable Messages and don’t forget to share with your friends, family, love ones and inspire him or her. Never Share Ur Secrets with Anyone. This can be Self-Destructive, Perhaps the most Important Advice in Life. Never Tell Ur Problems to Anyone. 20% will not Care & 80% will be Glad that U have Them. Life is similar to Boxing Game. Defeat is not Declared when U Fall Down. It is Declared when U Refuse to Get Up. Always WRONG PERSONS Teach the RIGHT LESSONS in Life. That is called […]
Heart Touching and Motivational Stories for Kids in Hindi
Heart Touching and Motivational Stories for Kids in Hindi बड़े गुस्से से मैं घर से चला आया . इतना गुस्सा था की गलती से पापा के ही जूते पहन के निकल गया मैं आज बस घर छोड़ दूंगा, और तभी लौटूंगा जब बहुत बड़ा आदमी बन जाऊंगा … जब मोटर साइकिल नहीं दिलवा सकते थे, तो क्यूँ इंजीनियर बनाने के सपने देखतें है ….. आज मैं पापा का पर्स भी उठा लाया था …. जिसे किसी को हाथ तक न लगाने देते थे … मुझे पता है इस पर्स मैं जरुर पैसो के हिसाब की डायरी होगी …. पता तो […]
Best 20 Yoga Inspirational Quotes and Sayings, Messages, Thoughts
Yoga is a powerful natural state that can inspire you in many ways. Find here Best 20 Yoga Inspirational Quotes and Sayings, Messages, Thoughts with Pictures Yoga Inspirational Quotes and Sayings “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built.” Rumi “You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.” Mr. Yoga “The most important pieces of equipment you need for doing yoga are your body and your mind.” Rodney Yee “Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re […]
एक संदेश – Motivational Story with Great Meaning in Hindi Language
एक संदेश गाँव में एक किसान रहता था जो दूध से दही और मक्खन बनाकर बेचने का काम करता था। एक दिन बीवी ने उसे मक्खन तैयार करके दिया वो उसे बेचने के लिए अपने गाँव से शहर की तरफ रवाना हुवा।वो मक्खन गोल पेढ़ो की शक्ल मे बना हुवा था और हर पेढ़े का वज़न एक kg था।शहर मे किसान ने उस मक्खन को हमेशा की तरह एक दुकानदार को बेच दिया,और दुकान दार से चायपत्ती, चीनी, तेल और साबुन व वगैरहा खरीदकर वापस अपने गाँव को रवाना हो गया। किसान के जाने के बाद, दुकानदार ने मक्खन को […]
Best Quotes in Hindi Fonts – Good Lines Messages, Anmol Vachan
1. एक बार, गांव वालों ने सूखे के हालात देखकर तय किया कि वे भगवान से बरसात के लिए प्रार्थना करेंगे, प्रार्थना वाले दिन सभी लोग प्रार्थना के लिए इकट्ठे हुए, लेकिन एक लड़का छाता लेकर आया.!!! इसे कहते हैं : विश्वास 2. जब आप एक बच्चे को ऊपर की तरफ उछालते हो, तो वह हंसता है। क्योंकि, वह जानता है कि आप उसे पकड़ लोगे: इसे कहते हैं : यकीन 3. हर रात हम बिस्तर पर सोने जाते हैं, यह जाने बगैर कि हम अगली सुबह जीवित रहेंगे भी कि नहीं और हर रात नई सुबह के लिए अलार्म […]
Short worth reading stories that will change the way you think in life
Find here best 14 Short worth reading stories that will change the way you think in life. If you life this article please share with friends and love ones. Short Worth Reading Stories 1. Fall and Rise Today, when I slipped on the wet tile floor a boy in a wheelchair caught me before I slammed my head on the ground. He said, “Believe it or not, that’s almost exactly how I injured my back 3 years ago . 2. A father’s advice Today, my father told me, “Just go for it and give it a try! You don’t have […]
35 Best Ways to Respects Your Kids and know them better – Tips
Find here 35 Best Ways to Respects Your Kids and know them better. Kids are parents treasure and their most precious gift on this land. They must have seen the world lesser than you but they see it in a different way which you need to appreciate. Listen to them and try giving them as much time as you can. These moments are more precious than anything in this world Every parent Must read once. 1. Put away your phone in their presence or avoid talking too much on phone when they r with you. 2. Pay attention to what […]
A Goodbye Note – Short Inspirational story with great moral
A Goodbye Note – Short Inspirational story with great moral One person worked long and hard for making a great career. One day he decided to rest from the work and to live in luxury for his pleasure, which he could afford because of his wealth. Just when he made this decision, an angel of death came to him. Being a very wealthy person, he decided to buy some more time from the angel of death at any cost. He bargained for a long time but the angel was unmoved. Desperate, the rich man made the last proposal to the […]