Quote 1: Love doesn’t need reason. It speaks from the irrational wisdom of the heart. In Hindi: प्रेम को कारण की ज़रुरत नहीं होती. वो दिल के तर्कहीन ज्ञान से बोलता है. Quote 2: Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever. In Hindi: किसी चीज को पकड़ कर बैठे रहना अपनी सांस रोकने के सामान है. आपका दम घुट जायेगा.इस भौतिक जगत में कुछ भी पाने का एक ही तरीका है ; उसे […]
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There is perhaps nothing so bad and so dangerous in Life as fear.
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We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives, Some lessons are painful, some are painless. But all are priceless.
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Never make anyone “Very Special” In your Life… Because When The “Change” U Don’t “Hate” Them… Instead U start “HatinG” Urself.. quotes on life lessons for teenagers ,great quotes about life lessons
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There is no present and future of the Lazy. ~ Chanakya Quotes
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Sometimes you face difficulties not because you are doing something wrong, but because you are doing something right.
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Daily Inspiration and Motivational Quotes, Positive Thinking Quotes
Six Ethics of Life. Before you Pray- Believe. Before you speak – listen. Before you Spend – Earn. Before you Write – Think. Before you Quit – Try & Before you Die – Live.
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Inspirational Quotes on Success and Failure – Motivational Thoughts and Sayings
Keep in Mind that neither success nor failure is ever Final.