“I Love You” takes 3 seconds to say; 3 hours to explain and a Lifetime to prove! ~ Love Quotes
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Mandy Hale Love Quotes, Sayings and Thoughts – Best Quotes
Happiness begins with you. Not with your relationship, your friends, or your job. but with you. ~ Mandy Hale Quotes
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Marriage Quotes, Famous Quotes on Marriage Best Thoughts
Marriage does not guarantee that you will b together forever, it’s only paper.It takes love, trust, respect, commitment, understanding, friendship and faith in your relationship to make it last.
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Deepak Chopra Quotes in Hindi, Deepak Chopra Famous Thoughts
Quote 1: The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers. In Hindi: जितना कम आप अपना ह्रदय दूसरों के समक्ष खोलेंगे , उतनी अधिक आपके ह्रदय को पीड़ा होगी. Quote 2: You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices. In Hindi: आप और मैं अनंत विकल्पों का चुनाव कर सकते हैं . हमारे अस्तित्व के हर एक क्षण में हम उन सभी संभावनाओं के मध्य में होते हैं जहाँ हमारे पास अनंत विकल्प मौजूद होते हैं. Quote […]
Beautiful Quotes on life – Life Quotes Pictures
Sometimes we must sacrifice something that is more BEAUTIFUL for our eyes, for something that is more beautiful for our HEARTS beautiful life quotes wallpapers
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Best things in Life are Free, Life Quotes, Life Things
Best things in Life are Free, Life Quotes, Life Things
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Maa Baap Hindi Quotes, Mother Father Suvichar in Hindi, Thoughts, Sayings
Maa Baap Hindi Quotes, Mother Father Suvichar in Hindi, Thoughts, Sayings quotes on parents in hindi ,mom dad suvichar
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Thought for the Day, Follow Smile, Love Pray Daily, Good Thoughts
Smile, it will make you look better. Love, it will help you to enjoy Life more. Pray, it will keep you strong.