Joel Osteen Quotes | Famous Joel Osteen Thoughts, Messages, Pictures

When someone is rude, keep a smile on your face. When you stay on the high road & keep your joy, you take away their Power. ~ Joel Osteen

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Mandy Hale Quotes | Famous Quote by Mandy Hale, Messages, Sayings

Learn to be alone and to like it. There is nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like your own company. ~ Mandy Hale Quotes mandy hale

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Zig Ziglar Quotes | Zig Ziglar Motivational Quotations, Sayings, English

“You can make positive deposits into your own economy each day be reading and listening to life-changing content, and by associating with encouraging and hope-building people.- Zig Ziglar Quotes positive thoughts quotes encouragement

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Warren Buffett Famous Quotes, Sayings, Messages, Best Quotes

Quote 1: Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years. In Hindi : केवल वही खरीदिये जिसे आप ख़ुशी के साथ अगले दस सालों तक होल्ड कर सकें. Quote 2: Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked. In Hindi : ज्वार चले जाने के बाद ही पता चलता है कि कौन लोग नंगे तैर रहे थे. Quote 3: Our favorite holding period is forever. In Hindi : हमारी पसंदीदा होल्डिंग पीरीयड है- हमेशा के लिए. Quote 4: Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. In Hindi : कीमत वो […]

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Jalaluddin Rumi Quotes | Famous Muhammad Rumi Thoughts,Quotes English

1. When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. 2. Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. 3. Everyone is so afraid of death, but the real Sufi just laugh: nothing tyrannizes their hearts. What strikes the oyster shell does not damage the pearl. 4. Conventional opinion is the ruin of our souls.

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Meaningful Life Quotes, Meaningful Life Thoughts, Messages Pictures

A Meaningful Life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being perfect. It Is about being real, being humble, being strong and being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others. It Is only then that we could have a full, happy and contented life.

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